Dri-Air Industries

Charles Sears Inducted Posthumous into Plastics Hall of Fame

The Plastics Hall of Fame honors the men and women around the world who have made major contributions to shape the direction and future of the plastics industry. Induction into the Plastics Hall of Fame is based strictly on accomplishment and is within reach of those dedicated to the advancement of this global industry. The Plastics Hall of Fame recognizes…

Dri-Air Industries

Meet Kevin, our new Operations Manager

Kevin is our new Operations Manager, responsible for scheduling of the production floor, engineering of new projects and running the day to day operations of the plant. He comes to us from Meredith Springfield in Ludlow, MA where he was responsible for managing a three shift blow molding operation. His expertise is a great asset to the flow and output…

Dri-Air Industries

Jason Sears Named President of Dri-Air Industries

Jason Sears has been named president of Dri-Air Industries, replacing Charlie Sears, Dri-Air founder and Jason’s father, who passed away recently.   The Board of Directors of Dri-Air made the announcement. Jason has been an employee at Dri-Air for 30 years, beginning after school during his high school years learning such skills as welding, electrical wiring, painting, packing and machine assembly.  …

Dri-Air Industries

The plastics industry loses a veteran, Charlie Sears

Charles Sears, the president of DRI-AIR Industries passed away on August 5th after a recent battle with cancer. He started Dri-Air Industries, Inc. in 1985 and it quickly became a leading supplier of drying systems for the plastics industry. His expertise and leadership along with his desire to create the very best possible product for his customers resulted in double-digit…

Dri-Air Industries

New Systems Engineer at Dri-Air

Jeff Walker Joins Dri-Air Industries as Systems Engineer - Specializing in Large Throughput Systems   Jeff is a 31-year veteran of the plastics industry with in-depth systems experience in engineering and operating large injection molding and blow molding installations.   At Dri-Air, Jeff will focus on the design and installation of drying and conveying systems with throughputs of more than 2500…

Dri-Air Industries

Dri-Air is a Family Adventure

According to the Conway Center for Family Business, American family businesses provide 64% of the entire U.S. Gross Domestic Product, 62% of U.S. employment and 78% of all new jobs.   As virtually all American business and government leaders have recognized, the economic success of America depends to a large extent on the success of its family businesses. One successful family…

Dri-Air Industries

Charlie Sears Speaks Out at the CT Capital

This past February, working in tandem with the Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA), Charlie Sears, President of Dri-Air along with Rebecca Kayfus of Thomaston Savings Bank testified before the legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee on two bills—SB 544 and HB 7042—that address rising healthcare costs. They both urged legislators to support the bills, noting that health insurance is one…

Dri-Air Industries