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Dri-Air’s new NPE2024 Booth – W909
New Products to be revealed at NPE2024

See Dri-Air at Booth W909
Dri-Air Industries welcomes you to our NPE2024 booth #W909 to see the latest products and help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary.
Learn how to win a Pelican cooler below!
NEW! The MicroDryer Series (MD)

The MD series is a line of sleek, compressed air dryers designed for very low throughputs and high value resins.
Low dewpoints, -40F and below, are assured as the dryer is equipped with a membrane and compressed air prefilter.
Dri-Air’s on the press MD Compressed air dryers are the perfect solution for drying material at the press or on the Extruder!
NEW! PDII with Maguire Blender and Rapid One-Cut Granulator

Dri-Air Industries, Inc and Maguire Products, joined forces to develop Dri-Air’s second generation of on demand drying/blending systems for the circular economy.
Granulate scrap and runners right next to the press to reduce handling and material idle time with a Rapid granulator
Feed regrind material back into production easily with using demand sensors and compressed air unloader
Unique approach keeps materials isolated and dries each material separately at different temperatures until blending is called for
Efficiently blend virgin material, regrind material, and colorant just prior to conveying to the injection molding machine using Maguire’s WSB blender
Convey blended material using closed loop loading system to prevent dry material from reabsorbing moisture
Conserve valuable floor space as the drying / blending / conveyance package is all combined on a single portable frame.
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